About Us
The FGM Education Programme
What is the New Zealand FGM Education Programme?
The FGM Education Programme is a small community based programme established in 1997 in response to the rising number of women settling in New Zealand from countries that practice FGM.
The objectives of the Programme are to provide improved reproductive health care services for women affected by FGM through provider training and support, and contribute towards preventing the occurrence of FGM in New Zealand through community education and health promotion.
The key Programme activities include:
- The provision of FGM community education
- The provision of FGM train the trainers for Community FGM educators
- The development of FGM education resources for communities
- The development of FGM education resources for health and child protection professionals
- The provision of training and support for health professionals working with women affected by FGM
- The provision of training and information for midwifery, medical and nursing students
- FGM technical assistance and support for health and child protection professionals
- The development of FGM guidelines and protocols
For more information on FGM training and education, please email hello@fgm.co.nz